with Sri Ganesh

Harmony –

Victory as conscious Increase and widening By the force of Agni – Serene and joyful, You make the path itself A delightful offering...


- 04-02-12:

... I am limping on two swollen feet, a kind of poisoning of the lymph I think... ... Later Arjun, Mahishan and Venkatesh come in to do pranam and visit a moment; Venkatesh offers Rs. 500/- for the birth of his first child, a daughter named “Ila” by Deepti; Arjun offers Rs. 1,000/-. What with another fellow, named Chandra, wanting to sit before Sri Ganesh with me, I have no time to write today...!

- 06-02-12:

... Someone has offered Rs. 10/-.

Sri Ganesh, Rider of the Worlds, You know the Cycles, You know the true Necessity Of the Spiral Of Becoming –

You have the patience Of the Timeless Growing Into time And your Joy is The blessing Of Absolute Certainty...


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