with Sri Ganesh

- 07-02-12:

... This morning I was finally able to bring down that huge political hoarding which had been erected in front of the wall; I was tugging at the supports and the ropes for a couple of days, till it loosened and fell, undamaged...! ... An odd visitor: a Western woman, holding a small she-dog on a leash, dressed with various pieces of cloth and carrying large bags, enters the compound and looks at everything...; little by little, I gather she is a painter residing in Madurai since 9 years, somehow mystically devoted to the Mother Earth, and that, through the Internet, she has found out about me and about Francis my father as well (through our books I guess); she has come with offerings of incense and of a sapling of Neem which she has herself prepared in Madurai; although she does have the appearance of a slightly mad woman, she seems to be a good, genuine person...

Beautiful Ganesha, Winnower and Refiner And Harmonizer, You seem to manifest The very capacities the new world Requires =

Constant widening, Constant progress, Perfect equality, Constant smile –

But, Sri Ganesh, These have to develop In the body of the earth = Can you help?

- 08-02-12;

Sri Ganesh, You truly appear, As a Hand, a Limb, a Part Of the Shakti –

Her incomparable Nobility,


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