with Sri Ganesh

What your presence Shows and teaches By example, Wherever you are Called And welcomed...

First one learns to serve, Till one becomes

The function And, at last, Is united Entirely...

- 05-03-14:

... As I was cleaning by the gate, an elderly, spry local lady talked to me, with much emphasis, of the time when as a child she would come to play in the fields and how there was then no water, no temple, only the peanuts... Perhaps she is right, but how? She does not seem to be older than 70 or so...! I am still unclear as to when exactly this shrine was built, how many years before the land was bought for Auroville in 1966... ... Rs. 20/- are offered. P offered this morning a necklace of tiny colored beads holding the symbol of the Two of You, which he strung together yesterday, 12 beads per color band and five bands for each of the 5 colors...

Sri Ganesh, Ancient and Perennial Leader, You wear the various marks And signs Your troops expect And honor, And your breast throbs And your staff glimmers With Her Love – Ever profound and ever Unexpected Is the delight You bring...


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