with Sri Ganesh

Harmonious Amplitude, Balanced Abundance And Detailed Riches Are your gifts

For the Way Of Progress And Becoming,

Sweet Ganesha, In your Service To the One...

- 03-03-14:

… Yesterday, when P was doing the puja as every Sunday, someone offered Rs. 20/-. Today Rs. 10/- are offered.

Infinite are the Possibilities, Sri Ganesh, Of manifesting Harmony = Truly infinite...! Ganesha, Knight of Love and Courage, Serving Her Always – Here and there you condense And appear, Wearing the blessings, Celebrating The Presence...

- 04-03-14:

Sri Ganesh, To establish and maintain Harmony Is not a single act But a continuous and constant Action of Grace, And this is, Sri Ganesh,


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