with Sri Ganesh

... A family of Westerners comes in quietly to have darshan and do pranam; they offer Rs. 20/-.

- 06-03-14:

... All these days the weather has remained mild and dry and cool at night...

Sri Ganesh, Your Richness vibrates Like a Wave Of joyful, detailed Plenitude, An open state Of constant discovery, Rooted in trust And love...


- 07-03-14:

... Is it to console me...? An Indian man comes in to visit, has a brief darshan of Sri Ganesh, looks around and comes up to me to introduce himself: he is a Christian, named Sebastian, working on a ship, and he says this is only the second time in his life he has seen a “nice Hindu temple”, the first time being in Hawaii...!

Aum Namo Bhagavate Beautiful Journeyer, Ubiquitous Guardian Of the Way, Watchful and Festive, Dense with Her Gifts, Brother to all Pilgrim Souls Namaste Gan Ganapataaya...



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