with Sri Ganesh

Become honey And sweet fire –

Yet your precise refinement And wielding of the qualities Establish Equilibrium And peace...


- 28-02-14: Auroville’s 46 th birthday

... Rs, 20/- are offered and Murthy offers Rs. 100/- and Mi-Hong offers Rs. 500/-... Yesterday afternoon the donation of Rs. 200,000/- from Hemant was finally deposited in the AV “Ganesh Temple” account and I asked Shiva to withdraw Rs. 20.000/- at once which I immediately transferred to the SBI Gan Account. So, as of today, Sri Ganesh’s total credit balance is Rs. 336,935.

Great King, Mahaganapati, When you stand and step Into the Court, The ground responds to your mass, A happiness blooms, And your powerful gesture Includes all, A sign Of Absolute Oneness...

Today is a great day for Lord Shiva…

Sri Ganesh Aum

- 01-03-14:

... D, on his way back from Kerala, offers Rs. 100/-.


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