with Sri Ganesh

Issuing from The Origin, Will you clear this little way...?


- 26-02-14:

... The grass is luxuriant and bright again... F. has come to offer work, it is her last day this visit. ... Rs. 10/- are offered...

In the Forest of the World You are, Sri Ganesh, The Happy Magician, Master of Harmonies, Who, out of all tangles And confusions May clear the way For the fruit to seed and the flower To blossom And the spirit To sing As one moves on And Becomes...!

Sri Ganesh, Master of Prosperity Aum

- 27-02-14:

... Rs. 20/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, In your exceedingly tender gesture, Filled with nobility, Is the nectar Of the One Crossing the veil, Like a madness of ecstasy


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