with Sri Ganesh

- 24-02-14:

... Before dawn it began to rain gently and it continues, on and off, through the morning and, at noon, it intensifies for a while and then ceases...

Quiet and Alert And smiling you stand –

Harmony is like Nectar

Which, drop by drop, Nourishes the Being Here =

So there can be Living Truth In Matter...

- 25-02-14:

... F. and her sister have come to offer some work in the garden and P. also comes and helps with cutting branches too close to the high tension line... ... I had a talk with Srinivas on the phone regarding Hemant’s donation; there seems to be no other solution than to first park it in the AV “Ganesh Temple” account; as I am not planning to build anything yet, but for the moment only establishing a base capital, a “corpus”, – so that if I was to go, there would be enough to maintain the place for sometime -, there will have to be some arbitrary collecting of bills... But according to Srinivas, who is the Government appointed Finance Officer, ‘the boys will take care of it...”! I am still uncomfortable with this gymnastic but, as he says, if this works out, there is a good chance that Hemant, or others, will make further donations...

Ganeshji, Mysterious One, Shakti born And yet


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