with Sri Ganesh

Away from all External values, You sing and weave Your service To the Shakti, Ceaselessly,

In the freedom Of the Spirit...

Beautiful Ganesha Aum

- 21-09-13:

... Yesterday evening it rained; it was brief and violent, with a terrific, sudden gust of wind straight from the West that tore off many branches in the area; and then all was quiet. ... Rs. 20/- are offered; later, Gita and Sumant come in to do pranam, visiting from Amritsar, and offer Rs. 1,100/-.

Sri Ganesh, Each time you officiate You make a round Of the worlds, Gathering and sifting and discerning, And offer it all Within The offering –

This is your way Of preserving The universe, Beautiful Knight Of the One...

- 23-09-13:

... Rs. 20/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, Your adorned figure Is like


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