with Sri Ganesh

A richly powered Mandala, Emitting in the five elements And the six Directions, Yet wonderfully measured And coherent, Gorgeous Ganesha...


- 24-09-13:

... Rs. 20/- are offered... Some police in civil dress come in to do pranam; there is a lot of police presence in the area again, the President is to visit the Ashram tomorrow and give a talk to the students there – what, I wonder, can he say to them...? ... A week ago Bhaskar went to the Central Fund to get a tax-exempt receipt for Srinivas’s donation and he found that there was a mysterious amount in the “Ganesh Temple” account (no one there could explain how it had come in); as Ratnam was absent for a week he decided to wait till he could ask him whether he knew about it; yesterday he saw Ratnam, who knew nothing either... So we withdrew that amount and I’ll transfer it to the SBI Gan account = Rs. 11,833/-.

Sri Ganesh, The Truth of the Earth-Nature

Is your dwelling, Where she is one

With the Great Shakti And surrounds you with Her bounty, So you may go about Your given tasks – Sri Ganesh, Your trust in Her Victory Is absolute – and thus, To see you is To be blessed...!


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