with Sri Ganesh

For Her Work –

How wonderful is Your Service, Sri Ganesh...

- 19-09-13:

... Last evening there was a brief shower... Parthy and Parasu went to Thiruvannamalai yesterday to circumambulate the hill and brought large packets of incense for Sri Ganesh...

Sri Ganesh, Master of Sacrifices, Powerful are your motions And gestures As you extend, timeless, From the Origin to the Goal – Yet of the universal house You only know well those rooms Wherein somehow you have been Invited –

And so this knowledge You must use of The symbolism attached To every force at play –

But, as the Shakti’s Initiate, You may accede to Her deeper knowledge, The mystery of which is expressed Through your harmony...

- 20-09-13:

... Rs. 110/- are offered...

Ganapati, Brother King and Purohit, Beyond all castes,


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