Questions and Meditations
10 The battle
What is this growth madness that has seized upon the human species? What is its evolutionary significance? How to find the balance, the right proportion, the progressive relation between the number of bodies and instruments and the consciousness that animates them? Who is progressing? How to assimilate this almost innumerable myriad of simultaneous experiences? Is it a training? Who benefits from it? Who is learning? Once one has passed the threshold of the new birth, gradually and little by little the contours and details of this personality one had constructed this time over loose of their importance. Or, rather, it is their importance as an identity that unravels, while they acquire a new importance in terms of exactness, transparency and fidelity in the expression of the inner consciousness and its action. The ego is no longer of interest but only presents obstacles to the unification of the being and, through the habits its formation had generated, to the conversion of the most material consciousness. One must learn everything all over again – offering everything rather than affirming one’s separate existence. There are then no more limits to our progress, other than those persisting habits of giving up and dying. *
Those great Adversaries in the manifestation, without whose conversion harmony will not be able to reign upon earth, how do they proceed?
Had not thus one of them, this Lord of Falsehood or Lord of the Nations, declared to Her who had succeeded in foiling his plan of action of which Hitler was the prime pivot, when She met him then and reminded him that
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