Questions and Meditations
Where then can be found the potential agents of the necessary change – change of collective comprehension and orientation – so that the continuity of terrestrial evolution may be ensured? Can one recognize them?
Appearances are sometimes shelters.
A society can be coherent and progressive only if each of its members is aware of one’s status as a subject amongst other subjects and of one’s share of responsibility before all the divers questions that arise. For only then can everyone participate in the orientations and help carry out the collective choices.
What then is a secular society?
The fundaments of a just society, capable of evolving in consciousness as in practice, are so very simple = - Each one is free to choose one’s religion, without ever imposing it in any way on others. - Each one is free to choose one’s sexuality, without ever abusing of anyone else. - Each one is free to choose one’s quest, without ever in any way harming others. - Each one is free to choose one’s activity, without ever compromising others’ freedom.
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