Questions and Meditations

his end was approaching and the time of his surrender was announced, that, yes indeed he knew it, but that in the meantime he would destroy all he could…? “This one, the Lord of Falsehood… for the human consciousness, these things are terrible, but from up there, it makes one smile. I remember during the war, when I met him (I had just demolished his work with Hitler, then I met him), then I told him: “you well know that your time is over.” He said : “I know it well, but I will destroy as much as I can till I disappear.” Child babble!...” Extract from the Mother’s Agenda. If one attempted to hypothetically conceive the most meticulous and ingeniously elaborated project of destruction of the very site of the evolution, making the most cunning and judicious usage of all the forces at play in humanity and in Nature, would not one be led to observe its exact realization in progress upon Earth right here and now!!? For one cannot merely accept the thesis of a world-wide plot being hatched by some constellation of hidden puissances that may even appear benevolent, even though it may well have been a recurring case through history and remain pertinent in a number of contemporary specific contexts: indeed in actuality it is the totality of what we manifest which seems to be inexorably used and exploited by a single devastating will and push, whatever may be our indignations and our most realistic assessments and our most innocent dreams of progress. *


Therefore, how to effectively put oneself at the service of the true Force? – without telling oneself any comforting tales or complacently conjuring new heroic self-images imbued with chivalry and borrowed wisdom?

Are we even able to grasp how the true Force works? What She or It expects of us, of each one of us?



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