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belongs to, with its numerous traditions and customs, while the Westerner situates, or tries to situate oneself as far as possible as an autonomous person. Consequently, the pressure to obtain one’s conversi0n, as well as one’s receptivity, will also be different.


Thus it was, for this community already established in the radiance of Her presence, another necessary adaptation.


Irresistible was Her advance.

Each being who reached and stood before Her, She enveloped and environed with peace and a force of progress infinitely comprehending.


Without any propaganda, rhetoric or vacant promises, new centres of diffusion of Their Work were being established here and there, in India and then elsewhere in other countries, wherever an opening, a readiness and eagerness to serve and a beginning of understanding presented themselves.

The ashram activities also were extending and diversifying.

In all directions, the ashram collective life was developing: a sports ground, tennis courts, game halls, an Olympic swimming-pool, workshops, manufacturing units and laboratories, handicrafts and industries, farms and orchards and – cultures of flowers... which had a central importance in the


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