Which town?
From now on She would at once be plunging into the body and walking out in the world. And She would welcome in Her ashram those that a thirst for Truth and a need for an Other air and an Other state would lead to Her. To some She would indicate the service they could best accomplish in their own country.
To others, still fewer, She would say, “you may remain here”.
Until then, the majority of the members of Her ashram – which was already like a small town within the city – had taken birth in India. Now She must work all over the Earth and for this She needed representatives, living souls having elected to be born in divers countries and cultures, who would not only be able to recognize Her, but would have the aspiration and the capacity to open to this new Force of Consciousness. Particularly She saw the necessity of an at least partial conversion of the vitality and mentality of the West – and thus did She begin to welcome as Her children very different specimen of humanity.
One of the Westerner’s dominant traits is one’s individualism: the ego constructs itself differently. The Indian, and generally the Asian, or Easterner, exists in symbiosis with one’s family and its multiple ramifications, as with the community one
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