Which town?
daily life as, out of the spiritual significances She had given each of them, She had instituted a language of sadhana.
And all of this was indeed blossoming, without artifice or clamour.
And it all required more physical labour, more than what the active adult population of the ashram could provide, and more employees had to be integrated into the life and organisation of the community; on this matter, She insisted on clear relationships and mutual respect and expressed Her wish to be soon in a position to create for them too a sort of enclave wherein all their needs would be seen to. Thus the question arose, of identifying and acquiring a more homogeneous site, as most of these centres of activity were scattered in and around Pondicherry and often far apart from one another.
She would say that money must not be used to make money but must circulate at the service of the new creation – and what She said, She practiced: the smallest profit was at once invested in another step forward and, when came the monthly dues and She had to pay Her cashier, there were never any savings. She would say – to those who have the means to act and, more specifically, to the financiers, “if you persist in your pillage and self-serving exploitation, you will make of the Earth another dead planet as dry as the moon, while if you put all your energies at the service of unity and truth, then this Earth will indefinitely prosper in a constantly developing equilibrium...”
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