My experience of Satprem
How to open without disintegrating…?
One problem we all have, however “intelligent” or developed we may be, is that we do not know as yet how to, in our physical consciousness, establish the necessary base – this base which Mother deemed to be indispensable for the change to begin operating in the substance, that is in all the constituents of this humanized Matter. This equilibrium consists of a constant and unshakeable aspiration for the Presence, of an entire and unreserved yielding and self-abandon to the Supreme’s Choice and of a total adhesion to the Path as it presents itself, whatever it may appear to be. For it is indeed this progressive state of balance that, it would seem, was creating the condition of receptivity in which Mother’s physical and corporeal consciousness found itself more and more and at every moment, opening the doors to these innumerable new perceptions and experiences which, little by little, unveiled or revealed what would be this new being upon earth. The fact of returning, as Satprem did, day after day for years on end to the same difficulty, the same impossible boring, the same torture, hardly seems at first to be part of a transformative action such as Mother invites to. Mother’s modus operandi is never to insist on the obstacle, but to circularly reinforce and strengthen the true response in all the movements of one’s being, so that the next time over the sense of the obstacle and its very character will already have changed, till comes revealed the lever of the definitive progress. And yet Satprem obstinately presented himself to the pitiless pounding which seemed to tear the physical body in its descent till it hit on the Resistance, the Refusal of this living death which governs us and controls terrestrial matter.
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