My experience of Satprem
And in the meantime he did try to practice this indispensable balance – of aspiration, abandon and adhesion at the same time – till the obstacle would change its nature and there would open a way that would become accessible in itself, and thus “objective”. And since Sri Aurobindo at first, and then Mother even more so, had had to endure this unthinkable labor, this agony of every second, and that they had yet advanced without fear or recoil towards the Supreme – well, so would Satprem would in turn endure without a complaint. But Mother, even as She experienced and bore with these successive transfers” – of which She could only speak to Satprem, really -, unwearyingly continued to look after everyone and to pour Her love, Her presence, Her vision and Her confident certitude in the future of the Earth, on each and all. What is certain, however, is that by the sheer repetition of this movement of offering to this inhuman flow of puissance, its very strangeness or otherness little by little was dissipated – the alien character of this impossible and unbearable Flood of a State yet unknown to material nature and to humanity, was gradually… attenuated? Modified? A relationship, a rapport, a joining, a taming, a habituation, a familiarization…? Perhaps none of these terms can come close, indeed, of what this nearness may become… But it is a beginning, it is a first step in, or towards, another functioning and another mode of material existence: a mode of presence that will no longer tolerate any division or contradiction, a new material basis so that may manifest this consciousness of Unity which Sri Aurobindo and Mother have called into the evolution, or of which They have been the emissaries.
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