My experience of Satprem
which would cut through the routine, however aspiring, of the ordinary physical consciousness (untransformed). He needed a method that would effectively link him to the Present of the action of the Force. It was perhaps, at the beginning, just a sort of wager, a little blind, but it was his offering and his cry of self-giving, to attempt and walk on Her path and follow after Her and serve Her still and honor Her love of the Earth. From his attentive observation and hearing of Mother through the years and from the gradual evolution of his own comprehension, he had been able to conclude that the action of the supramental Force was indeed constant and spread everywhere and that, therefore, one just had to come into direct contact with this Present – the present of this immeasurable Puissance at work in Matter to open the base of a new conscious evolution. Thus he simply fixed for himself a certain hour of the day to make this offering of his corporeal consciousness to the action of the Force – as if he were stepping momentarily under this constant waterfall instead of remaining at a distance: a cascade which would soon behave as a pitiless pounding rod of lightning, an axis of molten lava…
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