Matrimandir Gardens

On the Matrimandir Peace area - 2003

On the Matrimandir Peace area - 2003

An Offering

( By Divakar and Kovalan )

On the Matrimandir Peace area - 2003

On the Matrimandir Peace area - 2003


This presentation is for Auroville's internal use, and particularly for those who feel concerned with finding the right directions for the completion of the Matrimandir/Peace area. It is often argued that it is pointless to refer to the earliest descriptions the Mother made of this, the central part of Auroville, since Her vision of it has obviously undergone a number of changes which have also been recorded, over the period of its conception, which extended from 1965 to 1973. It is further argued that, in Her work of calling the right forms for Her new creation, the Mother has been most flexible, Her intent being on the actual realization of a progressive human unity more than on the application of a limited concept. However it is also equally clear that the Mother had wanted this central part to stand as a living symbol of a completeness, and all-inclusive "Mandala" or "Yantra" to channel the manifestation of the Mahashakti - of "The Universal Mother according to Sri Aurobindo's teachings". A living symbol : all along the Mother has very clearly indicated Her wish for the expressed complementarity of Matter, Nature and Humanity. She has repeatedly stressed the importance of the presence of Nature, its offering of beauty, as an environment for Her Pavilion of Truth and Love, which She later named Matrimandir.

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Introduction -2

If, indeed, the outer form of Her Pavilion has evolved over the years under Her guidance, and the size of the island on which it was to be situated has gradually encompassed more elements of Her creation, there have been constant features - such as the presence of Light striking Her and Sri Aurobindo's symbols, of the columns animating the inner space of concentration - and a constant relationship between the island, the body of water and the tall trees surrounding it . This presentation attempts to show this constant relationship and the living harmony that emanates from it, enriching each of its main elements. And how this harmony has actually been the underlying guiding force of cohesion and agreement during the 30 years of work that have elapsed since 1973.

This is an offering to the Lord, For Her.

The Perfect Path

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Table of contents

• The Mother's earliest recorded descriptions.

- Page 6

• The Mother's references to the Golden Temple in Kyoto, and to the Japanese way of gardening. - Page 21

• Recorded modifications of the central concept from 1965 to 1971. - Page 35 • The Mother's naming of the 12 Inner Gardens as 12 states of consciousness and of some of the flowers that express, evoke and invoke these states. - Page 69

• Physical development of the central Peace area from 1968 to the present. - Page 86

Note : Not all records of The Mother's words are equally reliable. Apart from statements written in the Mother's own hand, or verified and signed by Her, the conversations which have been entered by Satprem in the "Mother's Agenda" have been tape- recorded and are thus unquestionable. Other statements and conversations have been noted from memory by various disciples and sometimes present obvious discrepancies.

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Part I The Earliest Descriptions

The "idea" of Auroville was launched in 1964. On the night of 19.6.65, Huta had a vision. The next morning she expressed to the Mother in detail what she had seen and felt. Her ardent aspiration was that the Mother should have Her house in Auroville, because without the Spirit of Auroville the whole town would be lifeless. The Mother responded: 20.6.65 "Huta my dear little child. You have indeed a very sweet soul who makes very sweet projects and beautiful dreams - all that is passed on directly to the Lord who will show us clearly what is His decision. Meanwhile, it is not to Nava that I shall show the letter but to the architect of Auroville when he arrives and see with him the way of giving a concrete realization to the beautiful plans. But I must warn you to be patient because all that may take more time that you expect. However there is also a joy in waiting, the joy of expectation. With all my love."

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Further Huta wrote to the Mother about her childhood's dream, which she had suppressed for a long time.

The Mother confirmed: on 21-6-65:

"My dearest little child Huta. With your Rs. 500 of today, I have started a purse on which is written 'Huta - Auroville.' So, little by little the money will collect. In your yesterday's letter you spoke of a dream of your childhood 'the most beautiful spot of the world'. This was also a dream of my own childhood. So our dreams have met for realization. Now it is only to be worked out. When we know how to wait, we put Time on our side. LOVE"

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On 23.6.65, Satprem tape-recorded, and entered in "The Mother's Agenda" the following:

"…Then the idea of 'Auroville' - I gave the name 'Auroville' - was taken up again, but from the other end: instead of the formation having to find the place, it was the place - near the lake - which gave birth to the formation, and until now I took only a very minor interest in it, for I had received nothing directly. Then our little Huta took it into her head to have a house there, by the lake, and to have a house for me next to hers, and to offer it to me. And she wrote me all her dreams: one or two sentences suddenly stirred an old, old memory of something which had tried to manifest - a creation - when I was very young and which had again started trying to manifest at the very beginning of the century, when I was with Theon. Then all that was forgotten. It came back with this letter; all at once, I had my plan for Auroville… …My plan is very simple. The place is up there, on the Madras road, on top of the hill. (Mother takes a paper and begins to draw). We have here - naturally, it is not like that in Nature, we shall have to adapt ourselves; it is like that up there on the ideal plane - here, a central point. This central point is a park which I saw when I was very young - perhaps the most beautiful thing in the world from the point of view of physical, material Nature - a park with water and trees, like all parks, and flowers, but not many; flowers in the form of creepers, palms and ferns, all varieties of palms; water, if possible running water, and possibly a small cascade. From the practical point of view, it would be very good; at the far end, outside the park, we could build reservoirs that would be used to supply water to the residents.

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So in this park, I saw the 'Pavilion of Love'. But I dislike this word, for man has turned it into something grotesque; I am speaking of the principle of Divine Love. But that has changed; it will be 'the Pavilion of the Mother', but not this (Mother points to Herself) - the Mother, the true Mother, the principle of the Mother. I say 'Mother' because Sri Aurobindo used that word, otherwise I would have put something else, I would have put 'creative principle' or 'principle of realization' or - I do not know… It will be a small building, not a big one, with only a meditation room downstairs, but with columns and probably a circular shape. I say probably, because I am leaving that for Roger to decide. Upstairs, the first floor will be a room and the roof will be a covered terrace. You know the ancient Indo-Mogul miniatures, with palaces where there are terraces with small roofs supported by columns? You know those old miniatures? Hundreds of them have come into my hands… …But this pavilion is very, very beautiful, a small pavilion like this, with a roof on a terrace, and low walls with couches against them to sit on, to meditate in the open air in the evening, at night. And below, downstairs, at ground level, a meditation room, simply - something quite bare. There would probably be at the far end something, which would be a living light, perhaps the symbol in living light, a constant light. Otherwise, a very peaceful, very silent place. Nearby, there would be a small dwelling, a small dwelling which would nevertheless have three floors, but not large-sized, and that would be the house of Huta, who would serve as a guardian. She would be the guardian of the pavilion. She wrote me a very nice letter but she did not understand all that, of course. That is the centre. All around, there is a circular road, which separates the park from the rest of the town.

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There would probably be a gateway - in fact there must be one - in the park. A gateway with the guardian of the gate. The guardian of the gate is a new girl who has come from Africa, who wrote me a letter telling me that she wanted to be the guardian of Auroville in order to let only the 'servants of Truth' enter (laughing) . It is a very nice plan. So I shall probably put her there as guardian of the park, with a small house on the road at the entrance. But the interesting thing is that around this central point, there are four big sections, like four big petals (Mother draws) , but the corners of the petals are rounded and there are small intermediate zones - four big sections and four zones… Naturally, that is only in the air; on the ground, it will be an approximation…" Later on in the same conversation, Satprem asks Mother: "And you will be there at the centre?", and Mother replies: "Huta hopes so . (Mother laughs) . I did not say 'no', I did not say 'yes'; I told her 'the Lord will decide'. It depends on my state of health. A removal, no - I am here because of the Samadhi, I shall stay here, that is quite sure. But I can go there on a visit; it is not so far, it takes five minutes by car. But Huta wants to be quiet, silent, aloof, and that is quite possible in her park, surrounded by a road, with someone to stop people from entering; one can stay very quiet - but if I am there, that is the end of it! There would be collective meditations, etc. That is to say that if I get a sign, first the physical sign, then the inner command to go out, I shall drive there and spend an hour, in the afternoon - I can do that now and then. We still have time because, before everything is ready, it will take years..." -

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Satprem: "That is to say that the disciples will stay here?" "Ah! the Ashram stays here - the Ashram stays here, I stay here, that is understood. Auroville is …" Satprem: "A satellite." "Yes, it is the contact with the outside world. The centre on my drawing is a symbolic centre. But that is what Huta expects, she wants a house where she would be all alone next to a house where I would be all alone. The second part is a dream, because myself all alone … You only have to see what is happening! It is true, isn't it? So it does not go with the 'all alone'. Solitude must be found within, it is the only way. But as far as living is concerned, I shall certainly not go and live there, because the Samadhi is here; but I could go there to visit. For example, I could go there for an inauguration or for certain ceremonies. We shall see. It will be years from now" Still later on in the same conversation, after describing some of the difficulties in planning and financing, Mother adds : "From the construction point of view, it will depend on Roger's plasticity; the details are all the same to me - only I would like this pavilion to be very beautiful. I can see it. For I have seen it, I have had the vision of it; so I shall try to make him understand what I have seen. And the park too, I have seen it - these are old visions, which I had repeatedly. But that is not difficult …" And later still, regarding the water scarcity, Mother refers to the Americans' research work: "…Experiments on a large scale to transform sea-water and make it utilizable - obviously, that would be the solution to the problem…" (In relation to the above, it has been reported several times, although there are yet no available records of it, that Mother described to Udar a vision She had had of a machine that would purify the sea-water.)

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This sketch was drawn by the Mother while She gave the above description.

Note: The Usteri Lake is to the West, closest to the Residential section. The central Park is separated by a road, with one entrance gate, from the rest of the City.

The following document is the first transcript of a conversation with Huta, entered by her in her publication "The Mother's Truth and Love", 1974, at the date of 25.6.65. After Her work with Huta on "Savitri", Mother went on to explain Her plan for Auroville.

"The town will be divided into four parts: 1- pavilions of all the countries;

2- cultural pavilion; 3- residential area; 4- small-scale industries.

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On the seaside there will be many big industries. And further towards Madras the land will be extended - covering some 50 miles or so. Ah! Now the Mother's Pavilion - it will be surrounded by a lake, tall trees, various kinds of flowers - I especially want the creepers of hibiscus - Java - red flowers - Power - upon the outer dome of the Mother's Pavilion. There will be rockeries, in Japanese style, with varieties of cactus, small waterfalls, small pools with lilies, marble statues, marble fountains and pavements decorated with precious stones. This Pavilion will be in white marble and will have three storeys - the ground floor will be a huge marble hall - nothing material is to be kept in it except an arrangement by which there will be a perpetual flame representing the Immortal Flame - the white flame of the Supreme Truth. This flame will burn in a lotus built in the centre of Sri Aurobindo's symbol and my symbol combined in a design made of pure gold. The Supreme Truth will be invoked in it. For the second floor I do not know yet, but on the third floor there will be a terrace garden and from this top floor the whole of Auroville will be seen. Also on this terrace I would like to have carved marble seats - you know they carve peacocks and things like that in marble. This Shrine must have a vast area - not like this (Mother took Her handkerchief in Her palm and closed Her hand) , so small. Also there must be a silent zone. No vehicles should move in this area, there should be no noise of any kind. The Park of Unity will be divided into twelve gardens, which will represent the twelve attributes of the Supreme Mother. In these gardens I would like to have various kinds of flowers - especially the different types of hibiscus - the Divine Consciousness. On the other side, towards the boundary of the gardens, I wish to have huge trees like palms, varieties of ferns, neem, Indian cork-trees, eucalyptuses and many other beautiful big trees - they all represent unity and aspiration. The whole area will be surrounded by a lake so that the Mother's Shrine may be on an island.

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When the lake will be dug, all the soil will be collected on one side in order to make it look like a mountain where there will be firtrees. You see, in the future there will be snow… …In the residential area the ground must not be leveled but kept as it is with hillocks, and there will be trees, grass, flowers, small ponds, rockeries - all the natural beauties - nothing will be artificial. In the cultural pavilion there will be art galleries, studios, exhibition halls, an auditorium and so on. The artists will have their houses around. You will paint the walls of the auditorium… …And you will be the guardian of the Mother's Shrine. Your tiny house in the shape of a lotus bud will be on the island very close to my house… (Mother puts the sketches away) . Look! All these letters of yours have started the Mother's Shrine. I will explain to you more when I have spoken to the architect who will be coming in September…" This is the second transcript of this conversation dated 25.6.65 entered by Huta in her publication "The Spirit of Auroville", 2002. Huta writes: "On Friday June 25th in the morning after our work on Savitri, the Mother opened Her diary in which She kept my letters. There were also some blank sheets of paper. She drew several sketches in front of me…" "This drawing is divided into four petals with small semi circles between their divisions. They are meant for civil Services like Post Offices, Banks, Telecom, Telegraph and so on. The four petals represent four powers of the Supreme Mother. They are Mahakali, Maheshwari, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. Mahakali : Industrial area. Small industries will be in this place. The big ones will be on the seaside. And further towards Madras the land will be extended covering some 50 miles or so. Also, the land of Auroville will be extended towards Lake Estate southward. Big industries will be far away from the inner parts, which must be in total silence and peace. They must not be affected by smoke and noise from heavy machinery.

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Maheshwari : the Residential area. Here the ground must not be levelled but be kept as it is with hillocks. There will be tall trees, grass, flowers, small ponds, fountains, rockeries - all natural things - nothing should be artificial. Mahalakshmi : Cultural zone. In this area there will be art galleries, studios, museums, exhibition halls, an auditorium, schools, colleges and so on. Musicians, dancers, painters, sculptors and other artists will have their houses - surrounded by natural beauties. The artists will be undisturbed and free to create new things... You will pain the walls of the Auditorium… Mahasaraswati: International zone. Pavilions of all the countries which present their customs and cultures. Ah! Now the Mother Pavilion. There will be a separate island surrounded by a lake, tall trees, gardens with various kinds of flowers. I especially want the creepers of red hibiscus -Power- upon the outer dome of Mother's Pavilion. They will look like living jewels against the white marble. There will be rockeries in Japanese style, varieties of cactus, small waterfalls, small pools with lilies, lotuses, small bridges, various kinds of fountains and marble statues - one of them will be Shiva in deep trance. From his matted hair flows the water like a fountain… There will be only one entrance. I want precious, semi-precious and artificial stones to be paved from the gate to the Mother's Pavilion in graduations, because they are full of meaning… The Pavilion will be in white marble and we have three storeys. The ground floor will be a huge marble hall - nothing material is to be kept in it except an arrangement by which there will be a perpetual flame representing the Immortal Flame of the Supreme Truth. This Flame will burn in a lotus built in the center of Sri Aurobindo's symbol and my symbol combined in a design made of pure gold. The Supreme Truth will be invoked in it…

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For the second floor I do not know yet, but on the third floor there will be a terrace garden and from this top floor the whole of Auroville will be seen. On the terrace I would like to have carved marble seats with satin cushions - you know they carve peacocks, flowers and things like that in marble… This shrine must have a vast area - not like this (The Mother took Her handkerchief in Her palm and closed Her hand), so small. Also there must be a silent zone. No vehicles should move in this area, there should be no noise of any kind. The Park of Unity will be divided into twelve gardens which will represent twelve Attributes of the Supreme Mother and her four Powers. In these gardens I would like to have varieties of flowers - specially the different kinds of Hibiscus - the Divine consciousness. On the other side, towards the boundary of the gardens, I wish to have a lake, huge trees like palms, pines, various types of ferns, neem, Indian cork trees, eucalyptus and many other beautiful trees. They all represent Unity and Aspiration. When the lake will be dug, all the soil will be collected on one side in order to make it look like a small mountain where there will be fir-trees. You see, in future there will be snow!... Beneath each tall tree around the Mother's Pavilion there would be small carved marble seats, people will meditate in the open and be one with the vastness of Mother Nature - the Mother of the multitude and Her creation. And you will be the guardian of the Mother's Shrine. Your tiny house in the shape of a lotus bud will be built on the island very close to my house. Look! All these letters of yours have started the Mother's Shrine. I will explain to you more when I have spoken to the architect, who will come in September..."

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These three sketches were drawn by the Mother on the recto and verso of a single sheet of not very thick paper, and dated by Her 25.6.65.

The Mother has drawn each of these three sketches holding the sheet of paper in different ways, as is evidenced by the position of the Pavilion in relation to the writing of the date. Therefore it is not clear in each case where is the North. For the central area which shows the island, with Her Pavilion, Huta's house and perhaps gardens, the Mother has shown the Lake as a circular band with a bridge. She has marked the position of the tall trees, which She describes, in the simplest manner, by drawing wide circles around the Lake, rather than marking individual trees. She has placed the Mountain at one corner. The placing of this Mountain is significant, as the later references made by the Mother to the Golden Temple of Kyoto will show: the Golden Temple grounds are hilly and the park that surrounds the lake has been planted partly on the slopes of several hills covered with snow in winter. It is however puzzling that two days prior to this date, in Her talk to Satprem the Mother had made no mention of a Lake inside the central area, nor had She described the twelve gardens.

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In 1970 Narad, who had been asked by the Mother to begin work on the Matrimandir Gardens had been shown by Huta the same sketch drawn by the Mother of the central area; he had photopraphed it and annotated it.

In the following letter to Roger dated 17.10.77, Narad refers to it thus: "Dear Roger, I have had a xerox copy made of the sketch Mother made in 1965 on the 25th of June. Huta has the original and years ago i was able to have photos made. I have numbered the sketch and here are the explanations:

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1. The "mountain" which is NW is to be built from the excavation of the lake. The north-western side is about the lowest point of the area. Due west is a bit lower perhaps. I have always felt the mountain in the north although as I have told you this is just a feeling which I believe is also in harmony with the landscape. Now your letter comes bringing much the same feeling with your idea that the mountain should not compete with the Matrimandir. There is also another point, that the mountain if placed in the north, would not be at the entrance before coming to the Matrimandir, but after one had received the full experiment of the Matrimandir. 2 . The entrance which Mother said should be from the west. This is exactly as it is in the plan today. 3.The lake around the Matrimandir. This seems to me to correspond almost exactly to the area of the bund which we all have agreed to remove for the beginning of the lake. 4 .The circular areas represents areas of tall trees that Mother wished to have and would correspond to the parts of the "outer" gardens that are now under planting. Do let me know your further thoughts on this. Those who feel the mountain in the south-east had very good reasons. They feel that since that is the highest point, some 3/4 meters above the south- western side, it is the natural site for the mountain. Secondly, if a water storage area is to be build within the mountain, the extra elevation would provide that much more gravity feed. They are good reasons but I feel not sufficiently strong enough to counter the importance of the impression of first seeing the Matrimandir without anything to distract the eye.

Look forward to your reply. Narad."

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It is of interest to note that the proportions indicated in the Mother's sketch of the central area have been reflected in the layout that has served as the actual working plan to all concerned from the mid 70's until the end of 1999.

Using a scale of 1:2,500, the diameter of the "Pavilion of Love" is 36m; the shorter axis of the island is 330m, while the longer axis is 370m; the width of the water-body is 50m; the 4 areas around it are respectively 300m x 200m, 260m x 200m, 300m x 200m, 300m x 250m; the mountain is 100m x 200m.

* * * * * *

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Part II The Japanese way

On 1.9.1965 Huta showed the Mother some Japanese books. In one of the books there was a picture of the Golden Temple in Kyoto.

"Child, this is exactly what we shall have except for the shape of the roof - it must be a terrace and a dome -, but the surroundings will be the same: lake, flowers, trees, rockeries, small waterfalls and so on... Gardening is a wonderful thing - especially in Japan..." Huta narrates that, long before, on 27.3.1967, in the morning, the Mother had sent her an attractive card of the Golden Temple in Kyoto. The ethereal scene of the Temple gave an impression of silence, beauty, wonder and an immense peace.

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That evening the Mother commented on the card when She saw Huta in Her room at the Playground: "Ah! you know, I saw this golden temple at Kyoto when I was in Japan. It is beautiful..."

Regarding the Golden Temple, Sima Elivson has written in her book "Gardening the Japanese way" the following: "Few people miss a visit to the beautiful Gold Pavilion in Kyoto, whether or not they may be interested in gardens. The garden of Kinkaku-ji, the Golden Pavilion, also called Rocuon-ji -Deer Park- was originally built for the shogun Yoshimitsu -1367-95 - after his retirement.

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The garden comprises about 4 ½ acres, including a pond of 1 ¾ acres, with islands representing the tortoise and crane, symbols of long life. The original building was burnt down in 1950 and the present one is a faithful reproduction of the graceful six hundred year old hall.

The gilding is a new innovation and condemned by discerning Japanese. The pointed eaves of the roofs of this three-tiered building formed an exciting pattern against the sky, which is reflected in the water of the large lake surrounding it.

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The pond was once filled with lotus leaves and designed to create an image of paradise (The seven-treasure pond of the Buddhist paradise), but its present untrammeled surface forms a perfect mirror for the Pavilion.

This lake is broken by an island embedded with stones and planted with tall pines, while smaller islands emerge here and there. Some are tortoise shaped. This garden illustrates the love of islands and lakes in both Japanese and Chinese gardens of old. The clay soil of this area is ideal for the formation of a large lake, for it holds the water well.

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One may stroll around the lake which is surrounded by trees, chiefly Red and Black pines, but also the evergreen podocarpus macrophylla and Lithocarpus (Pasania edulis).

Cryptomeria japonica and chamaecyparis obtusa are plentiful in the garden, with their crisp cypress-like foliage in contrast to the other trees.

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There are ponds with tall stems and fans of leaves between (Trachycarpus) and numerous shrubs like Camelias, Gardenia jasminoides and pieris. The deciduous Oak, Quercus glauca , is trimmed into a low bush so as to display its tender bronze spring foliage.

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In a large public place such as the Gold Pavilion grounds, papers flutter from the "fortune" trees and hedges at the entrance, representing a donation to the temple and the fond hope that one's fortune will improve."

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On 16.10.1972 the Mother gave the following message to the Japan Center:

"Japan was, in the physical world, the teacher of beauty. She must not renounce her privilege."

The Mother lived in Japan for four full years until Her return to Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry on 24.4.1920. While in Japan She wrote in Her diary the following: "January 29, 1917 In the world of forms a violation of Beauty is as great a fault as a violation of Truth in the world of ideas. For Beauty is the worship Nature offers to the supreme Master of the universe; Beauty is the Divine language in forms. And a consciousness of the Divine which is not translated externally by an understanding and expression of Beauty would be an incomplete consciousness. But true Beauty is as difficult to discover, to understand and above all to live as any other expression of the Divine; this discovery and expression exacts as much impersonality and renunciation of egoism as that of Truth or Bliss.

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Pure Beauty is universal and one must be universal to see and recognize it. O Lord of Beauty, how many faults I have committed against Thee, how many do I still commit… Give me the perfect understanding of Thy Law so that I may not again fail to keep it. Love would be incomplete without Thee, Thou art one of its most perfect ornaments, Thou art one of its most harmonious smiles. At times I have misunderstood Thy role, but in the depths of my heart I have always loved Thee; and the most arbitrary and radical doctrines could not extinguish the fire of worship which, from my childhood, I had vowed to Thee…"

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"April 1 1917 Thou hast shown to my mute and expectant soul all the splendor of fairy landscapes; trees at festival and lonely paths that seem to scale the sky.

A painting by the Mother

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But of my destiny Thou didst not speak to me. Must it be so veiled from me?...Once more, everywhere I see cherry trees; Thou hast put a magical power in these flowers: they seem to speak of Thy sole Presence; they bring with them the smile of the Divine.

My body is at rest and my soul blossoms in light: what kind of a charm hast Thou put into these trees in flower? O Japan, it is thy festive adorning, expression of thy goodwill, it is thy purest offering, the pledge of thy fidelity; it is thy way of saying that thou dost mirror the sky.

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And now here is a magnificent country, of high mountains all covered with pines and richly tilled valleys. And the little pink roses this Chinese brings, are they a promise of the near future?"

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"April 7, 1917 A deep concentration seized on me, and I perceived that I was identifying myself with a single cherry blossom, then through it with all cherry blossoms, and, as I descended deeper in the consciousness, following a stream of bluish force, I became suddenly the cherry tree itself, stretching towards the sky like so many arms its innumerable branches laden with their sacrifice of flowers.

Then I heard distinctly this sentence: 'Thus hast thou made thyself one with the soul of the cherry trees and so thou canst take note that it is the Divine who makes the offering of this flower-prayer to heaven.' When I had written it, all was effaced; but now the blood of the cherry trees flows in my veins and with it flows an incomparable peace and force. What difference is there between the human body and the body of a tree? In truth, there is none: the consciousness which animates them is identically the same. Then the cherry tree whispered in my ear: 'It is in the cherry blossom that lies the remedy for the disorders of the spring.'"

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"April 28, 1917... I salute Thee, O Lord, deliverer of beings! 'Lo! here are flowers and benedictions! here is the smile of divine Love! It is without preferences and without repulsions. It streams out towards all in a generous flow and never takes back its marvellous gifts!'

Her arms outstretched in a gesture of ecstasy, the Eternal Mother pours upon the world the unceasing dew of Her purest Love!"

* * * * * *

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Part III Recorded changes

Huta narrates that, "people started telling many things about Auroville" and she informed the Mother about it. On 24.7.65 the Mother answered:

"My dear little child, what you have just written is news to me - I know nothing about it. I told you already that I am waiting for the architect of Auroville who is coming at the beginning of September and we shall do together the plan of the town. I shall explain to him what I want and things will be done accordingly. Nobody else has any saying in the matter. If sincerely you want the Truth, you must first abstain from believing all the stories that people tell you, not always with a very harmonious intention. Love."

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On 7.9.65 The Mother wrote to Huta: "My dear little child Huta,

Roger has just arrived yesterday. I am seeing him this morning to explain to him the plan of Auroville. The central park will be the park of Unity containing the Pavilion and its 'annexe' as formerly decided. Love"

Soon after Roger submitted to the Mother his preliminary report. Regarding access this report stated that "the centre must be as far as possible from the main axis of circulation due to the presence in the park of Unity of the Pavilion of the Mother."

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The Mother underlined this sentence and wrote: "The park of Unity must be surrounded with a kind of isolating zone so that it is solitary and silent. One has access to it only with permission."

This report in a later section described the central area thus: " At the center of the town will be located the garden of Unity with the Pavilion of the Mother - rising symbolically like its heart, collective center of meditation, of promenade, of interest, of peace."

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On 24.7.65, after their work together, the Mother told Huta: "The place for the Mother's Shrine is chosen. It is really a very nice place. " Huta said: "Mother, the Truth must win." The Mother responded with a smile: "If there is anything certain, then it is the Truth, and that must win and it shall win." Huta said: "Mother, first the Truth must have its place in Auroville and the rest will follow." The Mother gave a small enchanting laugh and replied: "My child, the Lord is arranging everything. Look, while we are talking, He is right here and smiling at us." Huta said: "Mother, what then are we waiting for? Please ask Him to do the needful for the Truth soon." The Mother's blue-grey eyes sparkled with amusement as She said: "Soon! Well! We must wait and see." Huta asked: "Mother, what about the money? Oh, if I had sufficient money, I would give it straight away for the purpose, but..." The Mother held Huta's hand and said with a smile "All will be done." Roger's first report recommended that in order to prevent too close a proximity to the existing public roads the area for the site of Auroville should be shifted more towards the sea.

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On 20.2.66 the Mother drew for Huta a sketch of the Matrimandir entrance. Huta noted down Her explanation: 1. The entrance of the Mother's Shrine. 2. Small bridge connecting the Shrine and the guardian's house. 3. A box-room. The Mother said that in the box room the cleaning equipment for the Shrine would be kept. 4. A fountain. The Mother said that before entering the Shrine people would wash their feet at the fountain.

The above discussion seems to refer to a configuration where the Matrimandir would be almost directly surrounded with water.

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On 4.3.66 the Mother informed Huta of Roger's arrival. On 10.3.66 the Mother wrote to Huta:

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"My dear little child Huta, I have said nothing about Auroville this morning, because I had not yet had a talk with Roger. Yesterday, I saw only the plans and models of the town that are simply wonderful, just as I wanted them to be. They will be exhibited in the Auroville office in front of the Ashram. You can see them there, and I am sure that you will be happy as the Truth Pavilion is a kind of island in the center of an artificial round lake and looks like an immense lotus opened towards heaven. I talked with Roger only this afternoon and he told me all his plans of action and work which are excellent. He says the foundation stone must be laid only when the work of construction will start; and naturally things are not yet ready for that. It will take some time more, which is quite right and wise. You see, that is why the Lord did not give his answer to your prayer because the time is not yet come for it. With all my love." In fact Roger had brought and presented to the Mother two different proposals. The Mother whole-heartedly selected the one that was based on Her symbol.

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In a conversation with Satprem on 23.4.66 the Mother mentioned: "...The city already exists. And the remarkable thing is that I simply told Roger the broad outlines, asking him if he was interested. Then he went back to France and he received my formation (my old formation, which I myself had left asleep); he received it there. I found that very interesting. He received it, he said to me, 'it came all at once, I seemed to be possessed by something, and in one night the whole thing was done.'..."

This photograph was published in the first UNESCO brochure in November 1966. Its text said: "The axes of penetration towards the center create a convergence, a densification of buildings, increasing to a point where they suddenly open out upon the gardens of Unity. In the center of these gardens, surrounded by a lake will be situated 'the Sanctuary of Truth', and the Matrimandir (Shrine of the Mother)."

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Next to a perspective of the central area the text went on to say: "At the center of the town, the Park of Unity is formed by a crown of gardens overhanging the lake which surrounds the Sanctuary of Truth with the Matrimandir. The Sanctuary of Truth by its form and position, will be the heart of the town, the dominating point of Auroville opening to the Light."

Note: This configuration of the central area expressed in the models above, which the Mother had elected in March 1966 and which were published in the UNESCO brochure the same year is very clear: From the outside, the gardens of Unity overhang a circular lake which surrounds the central island of the Sanctuary of Truth, at the heart of which stands the Shrine of the Mother.

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Huta had the feeling that perhaps all this was a dream and she expressed it to the Mother, who answered: My very dear little child Huta, you say that Aurovile is a 'dream'. Yes, it is a 'dream' of the Lord and generally these 'dreams' turn up to be true, much more true than the human so-called realities! With all my love."

There was great expectancy as to when and how the inauguration of Auroville would take place. On the morning of 11.9.67, after their work together, the Mother told Huta: "Ah! now I am telling you how it will be. We want young people - young in body and mind. Here we have 600 children who will invite the children of the world. They will come with a handful of soil of their own countries. This soil will be collected in a marble lotus urn of a special kind and then this urn will be sealed up..." After a brief trance, the Mother added: "The Truth Pavilion and your tiny house will be very close to each other - your house will stand between the Banyan tree and the Truth Pavilion. All these will be on an island - surrounded by water, trees and the Gardens of Unity. It will take five years if we have sufficient money. Yes... otherwise... but I want the whole town to be built within ten years time..." Huta said: "Mother, nothing is impossible for You and the Lord." The Mother affirmed: "Exactly, this is what I tell people who are anxious, that the Lord will do everything..."

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In the conversation above, the Mother seems to refer again to the same configuration, except that it is the first time, on record, that She mentions the existence of the Banyan tree and its closeness to the "Truth Pavilion".

From 1966 onwards, the overall plan of Auroville underwent many changes. One such change was published, without explanation, in the Bulletin of November 1967.

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On 12.2.68, unexpectedly the Mother sent to Huta, along with a bouquet of flowers and white roses, this message:

"Nature proves her collaboration with a smile of flowers."

Huta narrates that there was a rumour that instead of the Mother's Shrine, there would be a small lotus and nothing else.

On the morning of 16.2.68, after their work together on "Savitri", Huta informed the Mother about it. The Mother said: "Yes, nasty people speak against the Truth." After a moment of trance, the Mother explained again: "Your tiny house will be between the Mother's Shrine and the Banyan tree. There will be twelve gardens with various kinds of Hibiscus and other flowers, plants, tall trees with marble seats underneath; marble statues, marble fountains, small waterfalls, small pools with different coloured lilies and lotuses, small bridges, rockeries in Japanese style with varieties of cactus. There will be only one entrance. The pavement will be decorated with precious and semi-precious stones. This area will be surrounded by a huge lake. On one side of it, there will be tall trees - they mean Unity. On the other side of the lake there will be hillocks with fir and pine trees. The Mother's Shrine will be on an island..."

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After a pause the Mother continued: "The city will have four zones representing the four Powers of the Supreme Mother. I want that in each part of the town, houses should be built in particular shapes: square, hexagon, round and triangular. Each shape will have a special colour: rainbow, orange, gold and light blue..." The Mother went on to describe the four zones: Mahakali at the North for the industrial zone; Maheshwari at the South for the residential zone; Mahalakshmi at the East for the cultural zone; Mahasaraswathi at the West for the international zone. Note: It is interesting to note that the configuration the Mother seems to be referring to in the conversation above is very close to the one She herself had sketched in June 1965.

The Mother had used the term "the Mother's Shrine". She wrote this:

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Preparations were on for the inauguration ceremony of Auroville on 28.2.68. The Mother wrote a message that should be placed around the Banyan tree:

"To put around the tree. Auroville the City at the service of Truth."

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Since the site for Auroville was shifted, from its initial location near the Usteri lake to the East of the main road, the Banyan tree had become the geographical center of the city-to-be; and the only grown tree providing shade on the barren eroded plateau for the villagers coming to and fro. Now its inner importance was increasing in everyone's consciousness particularly since the inauguration of Auroville had taken place near it. At the time, the Banyan tree has only one trunk and no aerial roots. On 28.6.68 after their work on "Savitri" the Mother asked Huta to sit very close to Her and meditate. Huta felt "an immense peace engulfing her whole being". When the Mother opened Her eyes, She smiled and said: "Child, do you know the Banyan tree at the center of the Mother's Shrine? Just now I saw you in my vision. You were sitting under the Banyan tree, and garlands were hanging all over you from the branches of the tree. Also the flowers were showered on you from above. You were peacefully quiet."

Huta narrates that she then went and painted the Mother's vision according to Her instructions.

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When the Mother first saw the painting, She asked Huta to alter the length of the grass and make it shorter. This Huta did. The Mother laughed at seeing the squirrels, the deer and the rabbit. After a little concentration, She wrote, for the painting: "The inner life".

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On 9.1.69 the Mother stated about the whole area of the Matrimandir: "I should like this whole place to be called 'Peace', and that Peace should reign there, not only between the occupants but with the whole of Auroville present and future. Peace. The foremost thing must be Peace. Whatever you do must be by peaceful means. The second thing necessary is Harmony, not only general harmony but also between the individuals living there. You must begin to look for the harmony in each individual and not dwell on the disharmony. The disharmony exists everywhere but you must reject that and allow only the harmony to enter. There must be a sense of Order.

Each individual must have a sense of self-discipline, and actually practice it.


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Narad had his first darshan of the Mother in 1961 and he had returned to the US in 1962 till 1968. He narrates: "When I arrived in 1968 I attended and photographed the inauguration ceremony of Auroville and visited for the first time the sacred spot where I would finally come to devote my life and work: the site of the Matrimandir. At my meeting with the Mother before my return to the US in March 1968, She spoke words that determined the course of my life:" " You don't want to come to Auroville in a few years? I feel you can do something there." "I could only reply: 'yes Mother!' - for the force and vastness behind Her words were overwhelming. Since the age of thirteen I had worked with my father in his landscape and gardening business. I learnt from him the techniques of Horticulture, the care and planting of trees and shrubs, landscape design, maintenance, pruning and other essentials. He introduced me to the unending beauty in Nature, and the inner happiness in work done consciously and to the best of one's ability. When i returned to the US in 1968, I found employment with a Garden Shop and became familiar with sub- tropical plants for the first time. This was followed by work in a large Nursery, where I became acquainted with many of the most beautiful flowering and ornamental trees of California.

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It was in 1969 that the Mother informed me through one of Her secretaries that She wanted me to prepare to come and develop the gardens of the Matrimandir. I wrote to ask Her how to prepare that great work. She replied that a combination of studies and practical work was best. And suddenly, everything opened before me! Teachers came, constructive opportunities. The energy She gave me enabled me to work all day and to attend college in the evenings, for special courses in Plant Combination Theory, Plant identification and cultural techniques. I saw how my life had been guided through the early years of gardening in temperate climates, now to the sub-tropical regions, and finally to arrive after a few years in Auroville and the tropics. But these anticipated 'few years' did not elapse. In the Autumn of 1969 I received the most wonderful surprise from the Mother, in Her own hand: "A bientot!" "I arrived on December 10, 1969, laden with seeds, to begin the life She had chosen for me. At my first meeting with Her She spoke of the Gardens, words that will ever respond in my innermost being: "It must be a thing of great beauty - of such beauty that when men enter the gardens, they will say 'Ah! this is it!', and experience physically, concretely, the significance of each garden. In the garden of Youth, they will know youth, in the garden of Felicity, they will know felicity, in the garden of Perfection, they will know perfection, and so on. One must know how to move from consciousness to consciousness." And as She said these last words, She moved Her hand upwards in a spiral motion without end."

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