How to call It?

The new path

How to establish silence – not only the auditory silence but the vibratory silence, in this world invaded, this air colonized? How to preserve the aptitude for marveling and wondering, for finding and loving, for adoring the body of the Supreme and celebrating it? All of our sense organs are assailed from every side and ceaselessly, even while more and more used irrecoverable objects are propelled into outer space and the entrails of the earth are torn and poisoned by our malign malevolent ministrations.


Is there perhaps some supreme irony watching this awesome stupendous conjunction in which we all are entirely implicated? Even as the time has come to consciously meet and find the material Divine, it is then that the means are discovered not only to irreparably harm and damage the creation of material nature, but to irreversibly intervene in its atomic foundations.

How to discern the true way, the one way truly necessary?

Does it exist?



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