How to call It?
Nature always seeks equilibrium.
The human race, in its arrogance, has claimed it could master and control her and exploit her at will. But why to preserve a species which never ceases breaking the harmonies of life for its own separate profit and its own dumb self-centered devastating enjoyment?
Within Nature is Consciousness; nature is a mode of consciousness.
In the bosom of this human species, pullulating and stinking, victorious and progressive, heroic and creative, miserable and parasitic, in it too consciousness is - in this pervasive almost limitless multiplication of individual experiences, as if a fragmented mirror of its own infinity, consciousness resides.
But we are now in the reverse countdown: what abrupt start or terrific jolt, or what collective waking commitment of the entire race can alter the course to destruction?
It is impossible - impracticable – to unite with true consciousness and, thereby, to the right action, while rushing in anguish. A real detachment is indispensable, so as not to be bound by the blinkers of the ego or deviated by its fears or its ambitions; a kind of tranquil and offered confidence, whatever the
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