How to call It?
and the fundamental sense that preside over this progression of consciousness in Matter.
Such is, so it seems, the trajectory: from the unconscious primal, raw state, awakened, stirred and shaken, hewed and hammered and ill-treated and tortured and misled, drawn and attracted and fashioned, thousand times undone and slain, celebrated, forgotten, banished and reviled, reconciled and lost and found again and again, one frees oneself at last from the engrossing grip of the vital and mental agents – these instruments or modes of the consciousness whose authority they had usurped – and one turns within and above to unite with what is true, to what is free, to what knows, with gratitude. One comes out of the hypnosis and the body itself is delivered from the tyrants and like a child must now consider the entire mystery of the universe it belongs to and is a part of. It is a new start and a new training, for which Auram is the one ally and companion.
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