How to call It?
Aggression and flight, want and fear, became more intensely charged.
Risk, danger, the discovery of the world and its creatures, its rhythms and its opposites, composed an existence enriched with contrasts and diversity which, with the training in relationships, felt the first impressions of a vast mystery.
Emotions, at first merely amplified, grew more nuanced and individual behavior acquired a new dimension of experience.
Then other forces from other planes of existence too became interested in this terrain that seemed propitious for an attempt at a material manifestation of their native powers and faculties. By dint of sheer repetition, passages and connections were evolved in the organism, mobilizing and informing cellular aggregates and groupings. Through observation, comparison, deduction, memorization, the functions of measuring and assessing became integral to the life of the body and, in its sleep, dreams came sowing other possibilities. An urge to progress and a capacity to reflect and ponder began to exert an influence and, in the presence of an increasing array of variations, the sense of the person was born.
Once these rudiments had become functional, forces from higher planes of consciousness could in turn through them begin to express and develop new operational fields.
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