How to call It?
These human bodies that had become complex beings gifted with a capacity of choice and reflection, stirred by urges as yet incomprehensible but irresistible, moved to try out, attempt and risk and learn and transmit, and to control, dominate or tame their environment, began to discover other approaches to the multitude of the states of Matter. With their honed attention they studied the characteristics of every form and every state they met so as to recognize and identify them and ascribe to each the degree to which it could help or harm.
And thus was the object born.
First it was a sharpened stone, a hollowed reed, a knotted vine.’
These organic bodies learned to extract from accessible Matter what they could make use of: from another organic body brought to its death, animal body vanquished through ruse or strength, so many uses could be cultivated, its blood, flesh, milk, entrails, cranium, nails and hair and bones and fur could all serve their needs; from a vegetal or mineral state also materials and tools and implements could be fashioned, to shelter and protect, erect and defend their hearth and home. With the experiential growth of thought, more objects were conceived by these human bodies undergoing a process of individualization, so as to assuage their vulnerability: fragile bodies exposed to countless unpredictable and uncontrollable hazards, till death in the end would either surreptitiously or suddenly find and strike them.
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