Another Choice

And it is surer and in the end more effective to address the psychic spark or element in each one, rather than try and touch the intelligence or the life-force which too often are imprisoned by exclusive and rigid conformisms and fragmented references.


By the mere logic of numbers – the number of human beings since long surpasses our ken -, the only questions that can now be shared by everyone are those which will only need one word in answer – “yes” or “no” – and likewise it goes as regards the gigantic mass of information which is now immediately accessible, as it only moves about through the binary + and -: and thus, even as we all are immensely enriched, we are also terribly impoverished. Just when nearly every individual is given access to the elements of a more universal comprehension, the very possibilities of a more nuanced response to circumstances and events are denied, because neither the time nor the space shared are open to it – unless one is provided with very consequent means – as everyone at the same time is assailed, solicited and bombarded with signals as urgent as they are disparate. The individual’s capacity for attention is neither appropriate nor prepared and on the contrary gets diminished and reduced by the growing influx of such signals from every side and at every moment.

Therefore are needed messages that return the individual physical consciousness to a personal, intimate, direct and effective quest of the universal.

Each one must learn to draw directly from within the clarity one needs to respond to the abundance and plethora of stimuli that are constantly communicated.


Whatever may be the present perfection of our tools, the best means of communication remains and shall remain the vibration.

This word can hardly do justice to the event it designates: its transmitted sense is heavy and slow, while the phenomenon itself is indescribable, which at once relates to a pure note, to a


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