Another Choice
Each to one’s task
The more numerous we are to question the quality and orientation of all our movements, external as well as internal, and the less power will the monsters feeding off humanity have - and the more the true and rightly oriented action will radiate. It is right here and now in each of us that one must first work – and the effect of this work cannot be measured, so essential it is to the terrestrial resolution of the falsehood which is dragging us to the abyss. The more numerous we are to find the inner axis and refer to it for all of our choices and the more rapid will be the emergence of profoundly useful and concrete solutions which alone will allow for evolutionary harmony to be established and ensured. For it is not the conscious Force moving in and presiding over evolution which is responsible for catastrophes and calamities: it is our resistance and our egoism that are responsible and through them the unreal but effective shadow of death.
It is urgent to spread this message: and the power of slogans, of passwords, of summoning formulas, must be placed at the service of a terrestrial communication of the necessary orientation. All of our faculties must thus be mobilized to serve the labor of clearing and recovery: imagination, initiative, techniques and arts must all contribute, from everywhere and in every context. We all are, in our physical consciousness, impressionable and receptive to the repetitive power of the slogan which, like that of the “mantra”, imprints a vibrating memory – whether it is wanted or not.
The more direct and concise the slogan is, the more the image carried in it is clear and accessible and the more striking and enduring will be its action.
We must therefore introduce in every milieu such formulas that can be carriers of a change in orientation and of the commitment demanded by our true destiny.
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