Another Choice

We justify and legitimize our destructive acts by pointing at the enemy, the menace and the danger, the other, but our greatest enemy has lodged itself within us and guides our hands.

We justify and legitimize the “unavoidable” damage that our methods and objective are causing, praising the benefits of our modern instrumentation and citing the needs that our collective progress generates, postponing thus the time of reckoning and averting our eyes and, so doing, we are rushing into the impasse. Our action and our research are still most often oriented by the principle of separation and division – dissociation, dismemberment, manipulation of alienated objects, arbitrary exploitation -, while the well-being of the earth and of all living species demands an action and a progression that follow the principle of the unity of all existence, of all consciousness and of all Matter, a principle which can only translate in respect and solidarity in the discovery of the material operations for a harmonious growth. Fission of the atom was an invention of death – it is a curse which the union of the material consciousness with sovereign truth alone will be able to dissolve, by materially neutralizing its effects and revealing the harmonious creative movement which must replace it. The difference between receiving energy, under whatever form, with grateful respect and reverence to make optimal, right and faithful use of it – and the egoistic, inconsequential and short-sighted expense as if it were our due, is the same difference that exists between life that aspires and transforms itself and unfolds infinitely – and separate life that pulls and profits and perishes, spoiling and marring all it touches.


If one imagines a silent field of crystal whiteness instead of the actual physical world and observes in it the imprints and traces of the passage of a single human body today (at the hour when over one hundred and fifty nations have agreed on attempting together to respond to the growing and imminent threat of a major terrestrial disequilibrium, each of these States still bound and tied by its contradictory priorities and its weak submission to the influence and power of death) – what does one find?

One will indeed find the excrements, secretions, debris and detritus of the animal, of course.

But also: how many shaving blades and voluminous wrappings, alarming objects and broken down machines, inert materials, rusted engines and smoking ruins?


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