Another Choice

Children of the universe

Evidence is growing in our terrestrial human experience: Matter is our teacher.

It is from Matter we ceaselessly learn, with exponential rapidity, to discover, recognize and identify the movements of Consciousness.

Of Unity.


It is form its observations of Matter that our intelligence inspires itself and our technologies only exploit those processes we have been able to isolate.

Presently we utilize machines, more and more perfected and their dimensions smaller and smaller as we better master the constituents of Matter and we now envisage increasingly robotizing more and more tasks and functions by investing these artificial memories with emotive outlines and markers of our behaviors. Yet it is likely that soon, by correcting a little our orientations and defining more consciously both the bases and the aims of our research, we will succeed in mobilizing the very life of Matter and thus will become co-conceptors of instruments which will be participants more than machines and will be possible carriers of consciousness able by their responses to open other pathways that are yet unknown.


We have erred: many of our “inventions” turned out to be harmful to terrestrial life because our attitude has too often been that of an egotistic will to master and control which prefers to ignore the presence of consciousness in Nature and in Matter. And so long as we do not concretely realize that any will to harm on our part inevitably has consequences for all, as life is one, earth is one, consciousness is one, we shall perpetuate and aggravate the misery and suffering of this human race as of the whole Nature.


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