Another Choice

Shame, disgust, repulsion, betrayal of one’s own image – and this specter which death inflicts upon us by proxy, the sense of sin and guilt –, and their respondents – depravity, the appeal of the abysm and oblivion, of the fall and negation: here it is, our internal landscape, which we all share.

So, how to find again cleanliness, transparency and joy of being?

With knife blows, with sermons, with sacrifice?

By the virtue of abnegation, of austerity?

Our humanity is indeed troubled!


In the deep calm of the seeing presence, we appear at once ridiculous and orphaned, stray children midst monstrous constructs.


Along with the difficult process of unifying our nature around the inner centre and aligning all our internal activities with the vibrant axis of the Consciousness-Force, we have many a time stumbled and tripped, many a time sunk down, discouraged: for the passive force of the subconscious, inherited and transmitted, seems well insurmountable, an infinite expanse of shifting sands and swamps wherein lie all fears and all weights and all refusals. And we observe that, by the biological and physiological methods of our physical birth as a physical child of two more or less enlightened and conscious human parents, many years are necessary to recover a conscious base of awakening and action.

The suffering and the confusion and the waste remain inevitable, even in the best conditions possible to this day.


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