Another Choice
Therefore we shall be reticent to engage in turn in a process of procreation and shall want to ensure not only a total absence of egotistic motivations on our part, but also a sufficiently established harmony in the physical and the environing conditions and circumstances.
Liberty, empathy, care and concern for the other person, honesty and solidarity – the terms of friendship, of a friendship at once perceptive and unconditional, of an integrity which is not moral but profound and inclusive: there perhaps is where the charm, the pleasure and the sweetness of meeting may find refuge and security. This unconditional acceptance, this absence of judgment and calculation, this availability and trust which are often so alive in childhood only very seldom survive the sequence of years and the formation of the ego with the fixation of its identity. The unavoidable reality of physical death and the hitching and anchoring to one definite sexual role, compel and induce us to all our entrenchments and our positions of survival and self- affirmation.
How to find again this innocence and this openness to the other, this virginity of the person who always remains free – and free also to give oneself?
The ties of blood generally seem stronger and more durable – but why?
Is it because through this direct biological intimacy we share our identities at their foundations, before separation?
We now perceive the possibility, still distant ahead of the progress to be made, beyond the time of the ego, to attain this unconditional meeting of each “other”, of each unique expression and manifestation of the One.
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