Another Choice
What is happening?
What happens to us, what happens to the earth?
By the action of the inner axis and the progressive union with the deeper being, there takes place a dismantling of the constructions and fortifications of the ego – of our personal ego as of the collective ego which, through the pressure of our peers and of the prevalent social and cultural habits, has entrapped us in our present sexual identity.
By the liberty of our undying being, our being without death, we now emerge from this exclusive identification which had enrolled us.
A formidable montage is taken apart and we watch this masquerade, these prides and judgments and prejudices and these morals, these culpabilities and these issues and these condemns and these models which had, us more or less unaware, dictated our conduct. Confronted with the weight and the murky marsh of our atavisms and conformisms, we are seized with a sort of impersonal dread: what is this humanity we are thus conditioned to propagate and reproduce through the illusion of the ego? While these stereotypes that rule the attribution and the expression of the sexual roles and poles – the two poles, masculine and feminine and all the notes between them – dissolve and the identification that presided over our personal behavior decomposes, the enormity of the trap of the ego appears to us.
The entire human scene is lit up differently.
We now know and feel that our veritable being cannot be subjected to this or that role: it is only a matter of experiential choice, not a fatality.
Consciousness is free of its forms and freely can fill them.
All that our societies have built upon the performance of our respective sexual roles and our individual allegiances crumbles in the presence of this transcending Gaze.
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