Another Choice

Seven billions of human beings exist today materially, at the same time: how many among them all are living in harmony?

With themselves, with their milieu, with their environment?

With this Nature that lends them life?

With this Earth that nourishes them?


Has there ever been upon this earth so many beings in need?


Has there ever been more harmful a species or even as harmful as ours upon this earth?


We – humans – pullulate, devour, devastate, spoil and mar, exhaust, poison, deface, pollute and waste and mistreat and nothing seems to be able to slow or divert our advance: this sinister and malevolent magic we name “development”.


All of our bodies issued from our bodies issued from our bodies, this blind sexed proliferation which threatens a universal equilibrium, which respects nothing but its own expansion and satisfaction – is this what we have chosen, for which we were born human?


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