Another Choice

While, without the One Consciousness nothing exists, neither sky nor earth or matter or you or me, we nonetheless have lost our spirit.

We accept to believe and we do actually believe and can but believe that matter, this active perfection, is empty, uninhabited, unconscious and that we are its accidental creatures profiting from an extreme fortuitous hazard to compose a reality for ourselves which we must try and make viable and durable or, at least, reproducible.

But we can observe the hypnosis of which we are the victims only once the inner call within us has matured enough to awaken us to That which alone IS, to That which alone becomes.


And so we would hold the impudent presumption to aim at surpassing the status allotted to us in the general order of things?

The effrontery to want to unseat death from the mastery of its reign over our terrestrial lives?

“No!”, say these voices which are still all-powerful in the space of our humanity, “you all can go on playing with your technological discoveries and manufacture as many duplicates as you wish, if that amuses and distracts you, but you will never change the nature of your mortal species, nor its absolute dependency…!”

Has not our very own intelligence demonstrated that this physical and material world is mechanically ruled by unvarying laws?


And yet, since the new birth has taken place and this dimensional world has shifted inside out, where there was no one before, there is now the Inhabitant.

And ever since, step after step, we grasp the enormity of the hypnosis.

Separation, which was the condition for the formation of the human ego, of the emergence out of chaos, has become the illusion that possesses us and pushes and pulls us to the abysm.


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