Another Choice

The way of details

But here we are: adversity plays its role and fulfils its function, as we may well verify at the cost of individual comfort.

And it will be so, certainly, until the victory of Unity.

Wherever in our physical consciousness one remains divided and separate, it strikes and hurts and seeks to persuade how vain any attempt is to escape the limitations set by death.

Without any mercy, respite or pity, it lurks and watches like a masked army or like a malevolent smoke or like a logic that knows no pardon.

And thus one discovers the way of details, of the smallest slightest gesture in this known and cherished physical routine that lulls us into comfort.

One discovers that the necessity of an inner alert, of a constant vigilance, of a centering which must ever be confirmed and actualized, becomes more imperative at every step.


Indeed, the gap of distance or, rather, the immemorial gulf between what is supposed to be “spiritual” and what pertains to the domain of the ordinary norm – our practical existence of intelligent animals – must now disappear, must be dissolved for good. It is through this gulf that the most noxious and destructive contradictions could settle in terrestrial life, it is through this fabricated distance that all which is for one reason or another hostile to any real change and any real evolution of our consciousness has all license to obstruct or divert our progress and has at its disposal all needed assets and advantages to make us renounce our superhuman ambitions.

It is due to this gulf that the body is so vulnerable.

This gulf is the great usurper, it is the falsity which has invaded human existence, repelling That which is “divine” the farthest away from matter, in the ethereal zones of some abstract illumination.

It is the absurd and its reign.


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