Another Choice
For in fact and until we have done a yoga of conscious unification of all our parts around the psychic centre, each of us remains constituted of several “selves”, or several personal natures which in our physical consciousness overlap, mingle and mutually exert their influences and specific drives, while pursuing their own separate interests –co-tenants of a home more or less well managed.
However, a little like in our sleep during which our dreams happen on one plane and then another, when the body ceases, it is the whole common home that is undone and falls apart and each resident is at once plunged back into the more general element or milieu that corresponds or from which it had originated.
Worlds, or planes or levels or degrees of existence?
Native domains of our different instrumental parts?
And worlds of chaos, worlds of anguish, worlds of terror and of violence, worlds of horror?
Worlds of harmony, worlds of music and worlds of perfect forms?
In our humanity, physical and alive in this instant, through and through, how much misery and treachery by the separate exercise of will, the manipulation of others’ behavior and the domination of their choices or by the beliefs accepted as refuge and direction – where is our coherence, what is our identity, where could we go, we who do not know how to exist, where can all this lead us if not to the same state of consciousness multiplied in a world just as separate?
It then is only by the recall and recovery of the central need that one can find again the possibility of orienting oneself.
It is only when we have aspired, when we have worked and sought, that we are then spontaneously in touch with planes or states deeper and higher and, in this measure, able to navigate them according to the evolutionary stage we have individualized.
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