Another Choice
earth, but we are also subjected to a whole order of rules and necessities issuing from our evolutionary “development”.
However we also sleep and, asleep, we dream – and our dreams are not all the product of a cerebral activity released from the control of our waking physical consciousness.
And it so happens that, in some of these dreams, we have the experience of a less restrained or restricted physical nature and are then, spontaneously and without a thought, aware of organs or abilities which are unknown to our ordinary human physical existence. In those dreams, we are conscious of a very concrete reality and our behavior seems and feels entirely natural: thus when we move in the air, we use – is it an organ or is it a center of energy, or else a conjunction of the two? – a sort of physical will which is localized in the solar plexus, by which we adjust and fine-tune very precisely the relation between the body, the space and the force of gravity.
And such dreams leave us with an unforgettable impression of physical joy.
Of natural joy, but of another nature, which actually seems more truly natural than this heavy and compelling one we have here.
But our ordinary human physical consciousness and the physical reality of the world which it experiences, are somewhat akin to a bubble suspended in an atmosphere wherein are placed various thresholds opening onto parallel realities which are here upon earth, through us, represented. And it is habitually the death of the body that puts us in contact with these other worlds and their realities – and we now understand, little by little, from the renewed event of the inner axis, that this particular contact corresponds exactly with our own personal condition.
For these are the worlds into which we pass directly, according to the state of our consciousness at the time.
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