Another Choice
The invisible grounding
Or else, is there a world or a subtle plane of manifestation contiguous to ours, where we are conscious or can become conscious and where these irreplaceable evolutionary acquisitions would be preserved and maintained and even further elaborated?
Not a world of rest and silent and profound assimilation of all experience, but a world companion to ours, equally connected to the earth but not materially depending on it?
A world the soul knows?
We all are deeply affected, in our physical experience of the world, by the almost constant obligation to make an effort: this coercion influences and determines each of our movements and conditions the progress we can achieve or believe we are achieving. Slaves of the ignorance, we are placed under the yoke of biological and physical laws which our intelligence never ceases to try and avert, deflect, outplay, control or somehow utilize to our own ends.
Since early childhood we learn to shift and move the weight and mass of our own body, to maneuver it among other bodies that are hard and separate.
Willy-nilly we learn to share our time-bound existence with wants, needs and desires we must attempt to satiate or fulfill and with which we become identified.
The others, all the others, are cut from us by rigid physical boundaries and we can access their individual realities only very partially and indirectly, without ever being certain of truly knowing them.
We have neither the innocence nor the strength and agility of other natural species: not only do we bend under the burden of the physical laws that rule all material bodies on the soil of the
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