Another Choice
of security which is close to ecstasy, as if one were seized in a sword of motionless love and one feels tears of gratitude rising, within a calm which nothing, at this moment, could alter.
Evidently, few are those of us, relatively to the growing number of human beings, who become aware of this inner axis.
And yet, whenever one finds oneself held in the alignment of this Presence, it seems then possible to inhabit as well other forms of existence: is there a path for all?
A possible contagion?
It did happen, in the recent past – within the last few decades – that, animated from within by a single inalienable conviction, entire crowds would gather and affirm the clear necessity of an orientation worthy of the veritable human. What those diverse events have in common, whatever may have been the initial vectors of these congregations, is a quality of Presence: the vast, unmoving Consciousness, like a vibrant and direct Pressure presiding.
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