Another Choice

Change of authority

The evolution of consciousness can only be concretely effectuated when its already manifest instruments realize their limitations and collaborate to the change.


Even after having found, or refound oneself, one still remains impuissant to counter or neutralize the force of inertia, or that of desire.

Our physical consciousness cannot sustain this constant state of wakefulness: one has to fall back, or return to this somnambulist condition, heavier but reassured by its habitual slowness, its absences, its licking tongues of need, its routines and repetitions.

Our physical origin ties us to the mass of the Inconscient.

Our body has been conceived by the methods of animal nature, which is borne by this very mass and rests on it.

It is thus a labor that announces itself: how to gradually and progressively unite the movements and the energies that circulate in one’s physical being with this presence which is free and full of sense and riches? It is enough, though – one learns this little by little – to make just a simple slight shift of the consciousness to rejoin the current of the axis or to welcome it in one’s physical experience of the world and of the instant.


We also observe the behavior of our instrumental parts – our mental ego in disarray, our vital ego in rebellion, our physical ego in apprehension – and their odd or bizarre attempts to regain a status which has already slipped away.

All our previous efforts to fashion an original personality – are they being put down and brought to naught?


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