Another Choice
In this manner was inculcated the certitude that, in order to obtain any control or mastery of others, it is necessary on the one hand to terrorize them and, on the other, to bind them with such restricting rules and rituals – here and there replaced with the numerous duties of the “good comrade” - so that any aspiration to freely walk forward and become would be stifled and still-born. Today, to all those among us whose capacity of choice has been bridled for so long, if not altogether snuffed out, the magical model is presented of an existence rendered happy and fortunate by the comfortable and well-deserved enjoyment of a promoted range of acquired goods: the pathways are marked out, the pitfalls indicated, the means explained and even the manners of enjoying are prescribed.
But to whom does this dominance of the many profit?
Even the nations themselves are subjected to this order!
And so we have, generally, neglected to develop a clear and strong will, free of external influences, just as we have, most of us, left to others the task of elaborating and defining a mental, intellectual and moral discernment capable to draw acceptable paths of behavior for all. In fact, should we try to, it does seem as if reason can never conclude in any direction on any area of concern, as its very nature obliges it to argue for every “side”, every option and every position.
Is there then a spring of awakening that is, to us human beings of this day, accessible and practicable?
When one calls the inner axis into the world, like a vertical prayer that comes forward, fills and aligns one in a vibrant stillness, everything instantly changes value and one experiences a sense
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