Another Choice

Without our being able to define or localize it, the intimate link that connects the body to the inner presence is confirmed at every ordeal, but also in every episode of harmonious encounter – with nature, with matter, with another individual, with art or with the effort of surpassing one’s limitations. And sometimes we grasp the improbable association of two almost opposite perceptions in our thought: one shows us that to live or to die has but a very relative Importance, since consciousness cannot die – and the other confirms that each and every second of this corporeal existence deserves to be lived as the most precious and crucial instant.

And both the perceptions are equally and complementarily valid and true.

They are in fact inseparable.


Each instrumental part in its turn experiences this pressure at once central and vertical, this pressure to yield, to open and abandon oneself.

For most of us the physical mind is like the squirrel that knows no respite or pause; one of its favorite activities is to constantly eat away at the future, to ceaselessly and shamelessly project Into it all of its baggage, to such an extent that we never are available to receive what is coming. So, this presence softly insists that we learn not to foresee or predict or preview any more, but to let even the nearest future be free of our cluttering and of our formations, whatever they may be, so that we may entrust ourselves to That which becomes.


Perhaps the most arduous conversion is that of our emotional being.

For we expect from the others what no other can give to us.

We have forgotten, or else we have yet to grasp, the constant and eternal Fact of the Source of all.


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