Another Choice
often appears to be indifferent to any of our requests – but effectively ensures a protection which nothing can rationally explain.
And we see in retrospect how much this very protection has kept us on the path.
We observe how much this action influences the most ordinary circumstances as if to seed them, so that an optimal practical harmony may accompany and surround us.
But this provision of an energetic and material support seems to be exactly proportional to our own faith, trust and self-abandon – the alignment of our movements and orientations: it is in proportion to our inner unity that arise the practical possibilities of an outer harmony.
This abandon which is demanded, or required, by the Force is not an inert letting go, but a positive and sustained offering of all separate self-will.
It is not the abdication of defeat, but the urge to unite, to rejoin, to be molten again into a becoming which no longer belongs to us, is no longer entrenched, isolated or alienated, which breathes and experiences everywhere the free truth increasing.
Some of us only become aware of this protective presence – like a watchful eye that knows and understands everything – in the event of some corporeal ordeal: in the extreme difficulty, the individual physical consciousness realizes not only that it is no longer alone, but that it has never been. The very sense of the ordeal is then changed and its outcome is perceived in a wholly different perspective: the weight and density of the drama dissipate and a profound, trusting lucidity is revealed.
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