Another Choice
One must now learn, like a new-born infant, to address oneself to the Divine for every one of our needs.
Whatever they are.
Without any make-up, shame, hesitation, without ornament.
It is then that the other becomes to us Its messenger.
In everything.
The illumined intelligence may, willy-nilly, arrive at the evidence of its own limitations and accept to rely on a more total and effective Consciousness, but the emotional being is all the time confronted with the question of the other.
Why are we multiple, why are we “others”?
What for the otherness?
When this inner presence shows through or makes itself felt in the physical consciousness – after a more or less lengthy process of clearing, pacifying and anchoring -, one can sense a sort of benevolent discernment, free of all judgment as of all influence, at once equal and profoundly attentive which, without insistence or intrusion, acts in the other person as an awakening.
When two flames meet, there is a bonfire.
The human being forever seeks, in its adult life, an optimal balance between the various forces constantly at work and this poise seems to largely depend on the relationships one is able to establish – be it within the “private” domain or the public one, in the personal practice or in the professional, domestic or civic life.
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