with Sri Ganesh

Sri Ganesh, You come forward today

As the Provider And Sustainer Who In a highly developed movement Of Knowledge Lays the protected ground For the transformation And guards it and nurtures it With the timeless Riches –

And the ineffable Beauty Of the Presence Acts as the light And the nectar In the sheltered cave You keep safe, Sri Ganesh...

- 16-12-11:

... Arjun comes in to do his full pranams on his way to Bangalore, along with his driver, and he offers Rs. 1,000/-...

MUDAA KARAATTA MODAKAM SADAA VIMUKTI SAADHAKAM KALAADHARAAVATAMSAKAM VILAASI LOKA RAKSHAKAM ANAAYAKEIKANAAYAKAM VINAASHITE BHADEITYAKAM NATAA SHUBHAASHUNAASHAKAM NAMAAMI TAM VINAAYAKAM II (He who holds with glee a half-eaten sweet-ball in His hand, who is the ever-present means of liberation, who protects all the worlds and is the single leader for those who have been abandoned, who destroyed the demon elephant and swiftly removes all blemishes from those who bow to Him, Him I salute.)

Sri Ganesh, Gathered, Condensed and Compacted, Your whole figure can lodge In a pearl of dew

As in a drop of blood, The spirit of the form, The atma of color,


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