with Sri Ganesh

An inexhaustible resource At the service Of true Becoming...

- 14-12-11:

... That sweet fellow Krishna comes in to pray and offers Rs. 10/-...

Sri Ganesh, You are riding ahead On the paths of the world, Richly garbed, a Brother to all, Yet inflexible In your service Of true increase – You ride ahead, dressed and attired In proud opulence, Erect and yet leaning a little

Towards each and all, And your route is only, Always and simply, A circling of love Along the hem of Her Robe –

You wear the crown and the pearls of Change, You glow with the life Of the Fire And from your figure flows A wide arc of knowing Compassion –


- 15-12-11:

... Rain has begun again to come, steadily, with a lull now and then... ... In just such a lull Jithu, who has come for a short visit from Kerala after a long time, comes in on his way back to do his full pranam and he offers Rs. 500/-...


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