with Sri Ganesh

and bundle up and shift all the felled wood and clean all the mess. However I cannot really blame them for this disorder, as I knew that some of the shrubs were growing too close to the line and was perhaps too lazy to see to it in time…

Sri Ganesh Namaste, Richest brother, Impassive and Constant, You bless and you cheer And you watch

And help sustain The striving souls On the Path…


- 31-12-15:

The last day of the year: I have tidied up all the mess of yesterday and the grass is neatly cut and the garden is orderly enough, in a good condition to welcome the New Year…

Sri Ganesh Namaste, Poised and Splendid And Welcoming, You stand in view, Gatherer and channeller As the souls discover The Aspiration For Her Harmony…




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