with Sri Ganesh

- 06-12-13:

... Murthy has offered Rs. 100/- and another Rs. 10/- have been offered...

Sri Ganesh, With Munificent Compassion, The Shakti’s Harmonies Streaming All about you, You seem to be showing There is Only One story, And One Becoming, And its Delight Is waiting For all the parts to Willingly Collaborate...


- 07-12-13:

... The couple from the Kalari team has come again for pranam and they offer Rs. 10/-; it turns out they are siblings, both teachers, from a long line of Kalari masters and their father was their guru (Radhika and Satjit)... ... I am just beginning the Aarti when Madhu and his wife come; his wife attends it all, quietly, while he just comes in midway through it and offers Rs. 100/-; I have placed the necklace as promised, to adorn Sri Ganesh along with the flowers I plucked from the garden earlier... The headman, when he sees this new ornament, is very pleased; I find it flashy and vulgar, but then Ganeshji does make it beautiful... Another Rs. 20/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, You appear today

As the Ancient Guard = No one can get past you Who has not been Called in, Yet your posture and your expression,


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