with Sri Ganesh

- 23-11-13:

... Another cyclone has struck Andhra Pradesh... ... I was asked a few days ago, by an Indian lady staying in Auroville and serving at Matrimandir, whether a marriage ceremony could be held here. This is not the first time and I am not sure how to respond to it; one does not mean to offend, but it is not quite right, I think... For one thing I am not competent to officiate, and secondly, if such a ceremony is held here, there is no longer a ground to refuse holding other rites, such as the blessing of a new car, etc. This morning the young bride-to-be, named Sweta, herself came to press the request, explaining that it would be to her, and I suppose to her future husband, just like being married in the Mother’s room... Seeing my hesitations, she proposes to hire a brahmin who would do all the rituals for them; I answer that she then should first bring the brahmin here so he can himself determine whether this place can be used in this way; I also categorically refuse to have any cooking done here – and that last, I think, may have deterred her effectively... At the same moment, oddly, four youths arrive bearing a very large garland and a smaller one and ask me to offer them to Sri Ganesh and wait till I have done so and leave happily, without saying the reason for it...! ...Rs. 20/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, you are appearing On your open chariot, For all to see, And every part of your posture Is intent And brims with knowledge And, As a magnet, Draws harmony...

Sri Ganesh, What Riches you bring...!

- 24-11-13: Darshan Day

... It had begun to drizzle in the night and it continued as a slow, light rain throughout the day till evening.


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